Desember 31, 2007


Tahun baru kali ini berbeda dengan tahun baru yang sudah-sudah, kalau tahun baru yang lalu bisa kita lewati dengan dan tanpa isak tangis” tapi kali ini kita lewati dengan nuangsa yang penuh sesak, belum habis nestapa keluarga kita di aceh akibat tsunami, korban konspirasi Lumpur lapindo, dan beberapa saat yang lalu, banjir datang seakan tidak pernah lelah dan bosan.
Selasa besok telah memasuki tahun baru 2008. Sejumlah kalangan atas dan selebritis bersiap-siap menyambut pergantian tahun malam nanti dengan berbagai acara dan tawaran untuk manggung. Mereka jauh-jauh hari sudah merencanakan kegiatan ini, agar malam pergantian tahun menjadi lebih meriah dan semarak.
Di sisi lain, saudara-saudara kita di Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur, serta tempat lainnya di wilayah Tanah Air dilanda bencana banjir dan tanah longsor. Mereka tidak memikirkan acara tahun baru. Mereka hanya memikirkan bagaimana menyelamatkan diri dan mendapat bantuan berupa obat-obatan dan makanan secepatnya.
Setiap kali melihat kejadian bencana alam melalui media massa, kita selalu disuguhi pemandangan yang mengharukan perasaan, batin kita pun tersentuh. Banyak rumah yang hancur akibat bencana tersebut, korban-korban yang tewas serta warga yang selamat tetapi dengan luka parah. Meski mereka bukan keluarga kita, tetapi kita ikut pula merasakan penderitaan hebat yang sedang mereka rasakan. Sayangnya, di tengah kepiluan akibat bencana alam ini, sebagian saudara kita yang tidak tertimpa musibah seolah tidak peduli dan tidak sedikit pun menunjukkan rasa empatinya dengan apa yang terjadi. Banyak stasiun TV swasta yang menayangkan berita-berita bencana tersebut, namun berita ini belum menyentuh rasa solidaritas terhadap saudara sebangsa yang menjadi korban bencana.

Hiruk-pikuk manusia yang saling bertentangan, satu sama lain, ada yang sibuk berpesta dan hura-hura, yang lainnya sibuk menyelamatkan diri dan harta benda yang masih bisa diselamatkan. Banyak pihak mengharapkan agar acara tahun baru kali ini tidak dirayakan dengan hura-hura, dikarenakan di tempat lain banyak saudara kita tertimpa bencana. Mereka berharap acara tersebut hanya diisi dengan kegiatan renungan suci.
Memang penanganan bencana ini sepenuhnya menjadi tanggung jawab pemerintah, namun apakah setiap ada bencana harus ditangani pemerintah tanpa dibantu peran aktif dari masyarakat? Kita jangan selalu menyerahkan masalah ini kepada pemerintah. Pemerintah mempunyai keterbatasan dalam hal menanggulangi masalah ini, yaitu berupa dana dan tenaga. Sampai kapan kita akan terus berdiam diri melihat saudara-saudara kita yang tertimpa musibah? Sudah selayaknya bagi kita yang tidak tertimpa bencana ikut membantu dan meringankan beban penderitaan para korban, sebagai bentuk empati dan rasa kesetiakawanan berbangsa dan bernegara.
Sematkan doa, mujahadah kepada Tuhan sebagai tempat terakhir kita berlabuh, agar kita selamat dari bencana dan nestapa. Semoga generasi kedepan lebih beruntung dari generasi sekarang. Yang tua bantulah yang muda, yang muda juga bantulah yang tua.
Toh pada prinsipnya kita adalah mahluk social, yang tidak akan bisa berdiri sendiri tanpa orang lain, tanpa kawan, dan juga lawan.
Selamat tahun baru semoga hari ini menjadi awal kontemplasi hari esok, agar kita lebih arif dan bijak menjalani hidup dan kehidupan. (Uray Ar)

Desember 30, 2007

The reflection of the year

The reflection of the year 
of the end  What Is The Meaning Of Life?

An excerpt from, “Why Take a Boat When You Can Walk On Water”?

Throughout time, man has struggled with his own destiny. Where, in the scheme of things does man fit in? What is the human condition and is man accountable for his own conditional state? Is there a God that administers man’s fate? Can man be successful in love and business and still have an intimate relationship with God? Should man be uplifted to the world? Is mankind enslaved to evil? There are so many questions that plagues the mind of man. I remember as a child I used to feel like an orphan, lost and forgotten. I had a wonderful father, mother and two sisters, yet I felt as if I were alone in a foreign place. I would lie on the lawn at night and stare at the heavens, thinking, why am I here, where did I come from, what is my purpose? .As a childish mind would have it, I simply couldn’t see the reasoning behind my being. I felt God had abandon me, and I could not restore our relationship. Over time, I quit seeking God and became infatuated with the world. Even as the world became my reality the question was still in the back of my mind. I could not keep from wondering why and who I was. An awareness began to creep into my mind that added to the feeling of not belonging to the world. I will attempt to stay on course and tell you how I was enlightened and how my experiences may shed some light on you in your search for God. It is my best intention to convey some insight of reason through our shared position in God’s purpose

Please, LORD, Make The Confusion Go Away!

This text is an account of a confused boy turning into a wayward man and his struggle with his own condition and God’s involvement in it. Apparently, there are many questions that go unanswered simply because people do not ask or fear asking the questions in the first place. They fear rejection from their peers and worse they fear the answers to their questions because they don’t want to know their true condition. They see themselves as something, that in most cases, they are not. Sick is sick no matter if you know it or not. You can’t make it go away, so you may as well face it and work on getting well.

But as it is written, “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.” 1 Corinthians 29

Our relationship to God’s creation is a mystery in our eyes, and God wants it that way because if everything were known, there would be no faith. People simply can’t understand that they are as much a part of the creation as dirt itself. Truly, mankind couldn’t take the full measure of God’s revelation that’s one reason why God protects people from knowing the creation. The fact is; we see hear and feel in narrow ranges. Most colors and sounds are outside of our range of experience. If man could hear and see everything, then God Himself would be revealed, and God said no man hath seen me. He is beyond our comprehension and we are humbled at His presence and fear his mighty power. Even lowly angles instill fear in man when they come into his presence.

And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables: 12That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them. Mark 4:11

Ephesians 3:2 if, indeed, ye did hear of the dispensation of the grace of God that was given to me in regard to you, 3 that by revelation He made known to me the secret, according as I wrote before in few words 4 in regard to which ye are able, reading it, to understand my knowledge in the secret of the Christ, 5 which in other generations was not made known to the sons of men, as it was now revealed to His holy apostles and prophets in the Spirit

Ephesians 3:9 And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ: 10 To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God, 11 According to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord: 12 In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him


“And the Creation is Everlasting. “

Gen 9:16 And the bow shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that [is] upon the earth

God, being timeless, is reveling Himself in his creation. If the creation is an unveiling of God, then, it has to be timeless also. Ever changing, but nevertheless timeless.

And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you. Exodus 3:14

So, if physical man in his limitations, and short duration, is to have an eternal relationship with an eternal God, and God with man, certain protocols must be followed. I will attempt to uncover some of the mysteries that God has placed upon mankind and perhaps help some people understand those protocols better.

Now to him that is of power to establish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began, 26But now is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith: Romans 16:25

God reveals His mysteries to man in accordance to man’s level of acceptance and willingness to participate with Him and His character. As I have said before, it is not within the comprehension of man to understand that which is outside his physical reality. Man can only function within the limits placed on him by God. God encompasses all things while man, on the other hand, only experiences what God allows within man’s domain.

Mar 4:11 And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all [these] things are done in parables:

The ability of man to adapted to God’s nature unfolds in his effort to demonstrate his created likeness of God. Kept in darkness, exposed to light, and left to contemplate his own destiny, has left man to his own explorations and resolve. Has Satan turned man’s mind inward in a attempt to mask God’s wrath or is it a matter of man’s arrogance which is part of his own divine nature? The fact is, Satan cannot turn man away from God. Man has to make the decision.

Gal 6:8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.

2Th 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie :12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

So, God will give the unrighteous over to his/her own delusions. The thing is, if you chase a rabbet long enough you will catch him. If you turn away from God long enough, He will let you go. Now, that’s just plain sad

Who is Man, and why was he created in the first place?

And God created man, in His own image and after His own kind. As an extension of Himself like Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Notice, He said, “Let us make man in Our image after our likeness.” This means God made man in accordance to His own nature as an image of His nature. He wasn’t just talking about a mirror image, but man was to have depth in the characteristics of His total being. When Jesus said,’ if you hath seen me, ye have also seen my Father’ was he speaking on our behalf also? If God is the creation He is also the creature and physically known then by its’ image

John 14:8 Philip saith unto him, Lord, shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us.

:9 Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?

Ps 144:3 Jehovah, what is man that Thou knowest him? Son of man, that Thou esteemest him?

Ge 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 27So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.


Desember 25, 2007



Oleh: Geger Riyanto

Beberapa bulan yang lalu, 138 intelektual muslim memadukan suara dan mengirimkan surat kepada Paus Benediktus XVI serta sejumlah pemimpin Kristen lainnya, yang isinya mengimbau terciptanya dialog antara umat Islam dan Kristen. Dalam surat yang berjudul "A Common Word Between Us and You" tersebut, mereka menuturkan bahwa kedua umat perlu menangguhkan keberbedaan mereka dan memahami bahwa Tuhan mereka adalah sama dan pada dasarnya, Dia memerintahkan setiap manusia saling mengasihi.

Tapi Adrian Pabst, pengajar agama dan politik dari University of Nottingham, mengkritik habis pernyataan ini. Menurut dia, tidak mungkin benar-benar tercipta dialog di antara keduanya, karena sifat Tuhan masing-masing agama begitu berbeda. Tuhan dalam teologi Kristen memiliki tiga sifat, yaitu Bapa, Putra, dan Roh Kudus, dengan kedudukan yang sama, atau diistilahkan sebagai trinitas. Adapun dalam Islam, Tuhan bersifat tunggal, sebagaimana yang tecermin dari pernyataan "tiada allah selain Allah". Menurut Pabst, yang diperlukan saat ini bukanlah dialog, melainkan perdebatan mencari siapakah yang paling benar.

Pernyataan Pabst begitu provokatif, tapi terasa benarnya. Hal itu tecermin dari perayaan Idul Adha dan Natal yang jatuh berdekatan pada bulan ini. Dalam kitab Kejadian yang dipegang umat Kristen diceritakan bahwa anak kesayangan yang dikorbankan Abraham (Ibrahim) bukanlah Ismail, melainkan Iskak. Sementara itu, dari sudut pandang teologi Islam, Isa (Yesus) adalah nabi yang diutus oleh Allah dan tidak sepatutnya disembah atau diberhalakan sebagai Tuhan.

Pabst tampaknya berkeyakinan bahwa sekularisasi adalah sebuah keniscayaan, yakni agama yang tidak dapat mempertahankan relevansinya dengan keadaan modern akan tereliminasi karena tidak diminati lagi oleh manusia yang semakin rasional. Agama yang paling tinggi adalah yang paling rasional, yang tetap mampu menjawab persoalan dan kegundahan eksistensial yang dialami manusia, meskipun ilmu pengetahuan yang canggih telah hadir. Dari sinilah muncul anggapan bahwa perdebatan teologis dan historis antarkeyakinan akan mengakhiri konflik di antara agama-agama, karena mereka yang kalah seketika akan tersingkir.

Sebelumnya, sosiolog Max Weber berpandangan bahwa agama Yahudi adalah salah satu agama tertinggi karena mengajarkan bahwa Tuhan adalah entitas yang tunggal, tertinggi, absolut, sehingga tidak dapat diidentifikasi dengan segala yang berwujud di dunia ini. Dengan demikian, agama Yahudi dapat menepis segala pembuktian ilmu pengetahuan bahwa tidak ada entitas yang berwujud yang mengatur semesta ini.

Namun, pemikiran berhaluan sekularisasi telah kehilangan relevansinya, karena tak bisa dinafikan bahwa fundamentalisme tengah menjadi fenomena. Meski para penyelidik terus mengetengahkan bahwa Yesus adalah manusia dengan bukti temuan makamnya, akankah itu meruntuhkan keyakinan yang telah hidup selama nyaris dua milenium begitu saja? Persoalannya, dapatkah fakta ilmiah menawarkan keamanan dan kenyamanan hidup bagi mereka yang terbiasa di bawah lindungan payung sucinya?

Perdebatan belum tentu memecahkan persoalan ini, karena pencerahan yang ditemukan darinya hanya dapat dinikmati oleh kalangan elite intelektual, mereka yang memiliki gairah dalam praktek penghancuran kebenaran awam. Tapi, bagi yang tidak menikmatinya, mereka dapat dengan mudah memalingkan muka dari fakta-fakta ilmiah. Taruhlah kalangan Kristen Evangelistis. Sebagian dari mereka meyakini bahwa bukti-bukti ilmiah, seperti fosil dan artefak, yang menentang kebenaran versi Alkitab adalah obyek-obyek yang sengaja ditaruh Tuhan untuk menguji kadar keimanan mereka. Sederhananya, seperti yang diungkapkan Carl Gustav Jung, "Aku tetap percaya, meskipun segalanya di dunia ini menjadi bukti yang menyerang keyakinanku."

Menurut hemat saya, ketegangan antaragama tidak dapat dipecahkan dengan perdebatan atau konfrontasi langsung. Ketegangan antarumat mesti diselesaikan dengan menemukan kesamaan yang tak terdefinisikan, kesamaan yang menembus batas-batas teologis. Bila secara nalar mustahil mempertemukan agama-agama dengan perbedaan teologis yang begitu tajam, tapi mengapa seruan berdialog tak kunjung usang diembuskan?

Satu hal, karena pada setiap agama terkandung sifat kebaikan hakiki yang hanya dapat dirasakan secara afektif atau intuitif. Mungkin kita tidak dapat memberikan alasan kesamaan apa yang ada di antaranya, tapi kita merasakannya. Psikolog Michael Schulman menunjukkan bahwa seorang siswa taman kanak-kanak akan menurut bila dilarang gurunya makan di kelas, tapi apabila gurunya memperbolehkan mendorong siswa lain dari bangkunya, seorang anak akan mulai mempertanyakan otoritas gurunya itu.

Marc Hauser, profesor psikologi dari Harvard University, mengatakan bahwa setiap orang memiliki dorongan moral, hanya dorongan yang universal itu tidak terbakukan dalam peraturan dan dirasakan melalui intuisi. Hal yang membuat setiap agama memiliki jejak dalam sejarah manusia adalah ketidakmasukakalannya, pertentangan antara ajarannya dan logika mayoritas saat itu. Tapi entah bagaimana, kita dapat merasakan bahwa ajaran itu benar. Agama mengajari manusia untuk menjiwai kebaikan yang hakiki melalui revolusi moral terhadap ajaran-ajaran lama yang telah membeku oleh otoritas.

Teologi agama adalah upaya menancapkan kepastian terhadap apa yang dimaksud dengan kebaikan agar kebaikan yang sebelumnya dirasakan secara intuitif dapat dipahami oleh nalar manusia dan tersampaikan kepada yang lain melalui bahasa. Dari sini dapat dipahami bahwa teologi adalah tubuh bagi jiwa agama yang revolusioner sekaligus welas asih. Dan transendensi agama tidak terletak pada teksnya semata, tapi pada apa yang menyangga sehingga teks itu tetap terasa segar pada masa kini.

Dialog memungkinkan tiap-tiap agama berbagi konsepsinya yang "tak sama tapi serupa" tentang kebaikan. Dan perbedaan itu tak mengapa, karena siapa pun--bahkan dalam penelitian Schulman adalah anak TK--dapat membedakan yang benar dengan yang salah. Yang perlu disadari seseorang sebelum berbuat baik terhadap yang lain hanyalah mereka adalah sesama manusia, itu pun sudah cukup. Walau kita "tahu" bahwa kebenaran kita berbeda, kita cukup semudah "merasakannya" untuk sadar bahwa kita sama.,20071221,

Women Defy Islamic Extremism – Would Islam Suppress Half the Worlds Population

Women Defy Islamic Extremism – Would Islam Suppress Half the Worlds Population

While the battle between dictators and democracy, modernism and barbarity, the present and the past rages who among us is listening to the voices of women? Half the population of the world are women and now many of them are being heard on Islam as never before. Isn’t it about time?

One of the most powerful voices among women heard today is that of Syrian native Wafa Sultan. The Middle East Research Institute produced a video clip of Wafa commenting on women and Islam in February that has been viewed by over a million people so far. It was taken from an interview on the Islamic news organization Al-Jazeera.

Ms. Sultan who describes herself as a “secular ex-Muslim” is most noted for her lively and vociferous effort to show the world that radical Islam is “a clash between “civilization and backwardness” She is a force to be reckoned with and although she clings close to her secular leanings she is more than just another voice of moderation. In fact all Christian women could learn a lot from her about taking a stand instead of cringing behind the dreaded invisible wall of political correctness.

Ms. Sultan has endured a barrage of death threats on her life which places her in the category of one of the bravest women of the decade. She also is by her stand against the Muslim mistreatment of women sounding a clarion call to other women to speak up about the Islamic tyranny women face around the world today.

It is well known that to the Islamic mind a woman is little more than a mindless, soul-less object to be used by Muslim men at their whim and fancy. If left to itself as in Afghanistan under the Taliban, Islamic treatment of women denies them education, common rights and requires them to live out their lives in a potato sack (berka) with holes punched out so they can see. Other Islamic countries are not very far above the Taliban’s view of womanhood

No document in the world has done more to elevate the status of women than the Bible and specifically the New Testament. Jesus and the apostles saw women as prophetesses, beloved mothers, pillars of both society and the church and most of all as equals to men. Check it out. “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:28

If the rapture of the church (instant removal of Christians from the earth) were to occur today there would be more motherless children and bereaved husbands in America than imaginable. If the rapture happened on a Sunday morning, millions of husbands would have seen all the games fallen asleep and would not know until the late evening when they got hungry that their wives were missing

There is little doubt that the greatest prayer warriors and most faithful supporters of the church are and have always been women. It is also true that American women have been targeted by the media to sell out to the fame and fortune lifestyle by selling their attractiveness and their sexuality. It makes many of us cringe to see women flaunting themselves on TV and media but that is only one extreme. It is equally abhorrent to see them reduced to something a little higher than cattle under Islamic religious tyranny.

I once tried to reason with a dear friend about the Catholic practice of praying to Mary rather than the scriptural admonition to go directly to God through Jesus Christ. Neither he nor I have since changed our views about the subject but I will never forget his reasoning about it. He said “If you really wanted to get someone to do something for you, don’t you think you’d have a better chance of getting it done by going through his mother. What person wouldn’t listen to his mother?”

I still pray through Jesus only but my friends words still ring in my head. Applying his reasoning to the Islamic treatment of women could have a great bearing on the outcome of it all. I’m not talking about prayers to Mary but rather the voices of mothers as it regards Islamist suppression of women

America and much of the world would listen to the voices of mothers and women of any kind if they speak out against the mistreatment of their gender. I would listen, would you?



The question before us is "What is Islamic Ideology"? To me Ideology is a philosophical term meaning the ‘Science of Ideas’. Idea is again a subtle and very comprehensive term. It is unnecessary for our present purpose to go into the details of the term. But generally this means a basic concept or the basic concepts on which any ‘system’ is built constitutes its ‘Ideology’. Since Ideology pre supposes the existence of a system, the question arises whether Islam is a system?

Yes, Islam is a system. Islam is not like other conventional religions, in other words Religion is the English equivalent for the Arabic word Mazhah which does not occur even once in the whole of the Holy Quran. The Quran has used the word Ad deen for Islam which means a particular way of life. The Holy Quran points to this aspect in its own inimitable way. It says that the healthy concept of life Ideology or kaIema-e-tayyiba revealed by Quran which has the capacity to rise high towards God Almighty. In Quran’s dialect Ideology makes up what we call Faith (Imaan) and the means to give the Ideology a practical shape are termed Righteous Actions from humans. Ideology forms the objective of the Islamic Order and positive actions constitute the program for attaining the objectives of Islamic System. In the present context you can say that Ideology provides the ‘Objectives Resolution’ of an Islamic State, its constitution gives political form to the resolution and its laws prescribe the program for helping the people attain their destiny

The final position in a nutshell is;Islamic Ideology is another name for Permanent Values or unbreakable Principles elaborated in the Holy Quran that an Islamic State is established for the sole purpose of introducing Permanent Values in life that the first and foremost duty of an Islamic State is to provide means for the growth and development of the human body as well as human personality

The considerations set forth before you lead to the following three-fold conclusion:

1. Islamic Ideology connotes the sum total of Permanent Values or Inviolable Principles which have been preserved in their complete and final form in the Holy Quran.

2. Islamic State is a state which adopts Quranic Permanent Values as its ideal.

3. Islamic Constitution is the document which proclaims the above ideal and details the plan according to which the structure of the State will rise solid and firm on the basis of Quranic Principles.




Kajian dan Penelitian

1. Implementasi Pendidikan Berbasis Kompetensi (PBM) di Madrasah-Madrasah se-Indonesia

2. Persepsi Para Ulama NU dalam Implementasi Syariat Islam di Indonesia

3. Diskusi Miingguan

Pendidikan dan Pelatihan

1. Pelatihan Tindakan Kelas (Action Research) ke-2 bagi Guru Agama di MA/SMU

2. Pelatihan Evaluasi Non-Tes ke-2 untuk Guru Agama di SMU

3. Pelatihan Bimbingan dan Penyuluhan (Konseling) untuk Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah se-Indonesia ke-2

4. Pendidikan Anti Terorisme untuk Pesantren

5. Voter Education untuk Usia Pemula di Pesantren

Penerbitan dan Pengembangan Media

1. Penerbitan Buletin Jum’at al-Falah

2. Penerbitan IRD News

3. Penerbitan Buku

4. Penerbitan Jurnal INOVASI Kurikulum

Advokasi dan Konsultasi Masyarakat

1. Pelatihan Advokasi dan HAM Masyarakat

2. Bimbingan dan Penyuluhan Hukum Masyarakat

3. Program Pendidikan HAM bagi SMU se Indonesia

4. Pengembangan Sistem Informasi dan Dokumentasi Caleg dan Parpol Propinsi Banten



1. Seminar Wawasan Kebangsaan dalam Dunia Global, 2000

2. Sarasehan tentang Pendidikan dan Keluarga, 2001

3. Pelatihan Tindakan Kelas (Action Research) bagi Guru Agama di MA/SMU, kerjasama dengan DEPAG R.I.

4. Pelatihan Evaluasi Non-Tes untuk Guru Agama di SMU, kerjasaman dengan DEPAG R.I.

5. Pelatihan Bimbingan dan Penyuluhan (Konseling) untuk Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah se-Indonesia, kerjasama dengan Bagian Proyek Peningkatan Mutu Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, Dit. Madrasah dan Pendidikan Agama Islam pada Sekolah Umum DEPAG R.I.

6. Seminar “Kerjasama Antar Agama Untuk Rekonsiliasi dan Demokratisasi,” Kerjasama dengan Bagian Peningkatan Kerukunan Umat Beragama Depag RI

7. Diskusi Mingguan Pemberdayaan Generasi Muda dan Mahasiswa

8. Buletin Dwi Mingguan “Democracy”

9. Sarasehan Demokrasi untuk Aktifis Forum Studi di Jabotabek, 2002

10. "Ifthar Kemanusiaan”, Diskusi petang menjelang buka puasa tentang tema-tema sosial, setiap Jumat di bulan Ramadhan, 2002.

11. Lesehan Mingguan Agama dan Negara, rutin dilaksanakan setiap minggu sore di Sekretariat IRD, 2002-2003

12. Penerbitan Bulletin Jum’atan “Al Falah” berwawasan pluralisme, mulai awal 2003

13. Survey Ektrakurikuler Pendidikan Agama Islam pada Sekolah Umum

14. Aktif terlibat dalam wacana-wacana aktual, terutama berkaitan dengan kajian Islam kontemporer dan humanistik.

15. Lokakarya Nasional Pendidikan Pemilih Pemilu 2004, Partnership for Government Reform in Indonesia, Juni 2004

16. Temu Konsultasi Guru PAI SD se Indonesia, Depag RI, Juli 2003

17. Penerbitan Jurnal INOVASI Kurikulum, Depag RI, enam Edisi, tahun 2003


Executive Board

Dewan Pakar:

Prof. Dr. Masykuri Abdillah

Prof. Dr. Nasaruddin Umar, MA

Dr. Hj. Musda Mulia, APU


Ali Ghozi, S.Ag


Muhibuddin, S.Fil.I


Siti Yuliati, S.Ag


Pendidikan dan Pelatihan

Uday Mashudi AR.

Moh. Rofiq

Kajian dan Penelitian

Ali Saban


Penerbitan dan Publikasi

Ade Syari’ah

Ibed el Mun’im

Advokasi Masyarakat

Uray Mashuri




Perhimpunan Pengembangan Pesantren dan Masyarakat (P3M) Jakarta

Lembaga Kajian dan Pengembangan Sumberdaya NU (Lakpesdam) Jakarta

Forum Indonesia Satu (FIS) Jakarta

Pusat Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan (P2MP) Jakarta

Institue fo social Independen Studies, ISIS

Lembaga Studi Agama dan Kemasyarakatan (eL-SAK) Banten

Lembaga Kajian Agama dan Hak Asasi Manusia (eLKHAM) Tasikmalaya

Lembaga Kajian Islam dan Sosial (LKiS) Yogyakarta

Walisongo Research Institute (WRI)

Lembaga Studi Agama dan Pembangunan (LSAP) Semarang

Lembaga Kajian dan Pengembangan Sumberdaya Manusia (LKPSM) NU DIY

Lembaga Studi Agama dan Demokrai (eLSAD) Surabaya

Lakpesdam NU Lampung.

LP Ma’arif Lampung



Program-program kerja IRD diimplementasikan dalam beberapa kegiatan, seperti:

1. Kajian ilmiah,

2. Pendidikan,

3. Pelatihan/Workshop dan Orientasi

4. Penelitian

5. Penerbitan dan pengembangan media,

6. Advokasi dan Konsultasi Masyarakat